7 Tips to Treat Back Pain

Back pain is a common condition that affects people at different ages for different reasons. It can be uncomfortable and debilitating if not treated. It is a common reason for absenteeism from work and other daily activities. Back pain can result from spinal injury, medical conditions and strenuous activities. As you advance in age, your chance of developing back pains increases. The human back is made up of muscles, ligaments, cartilage and tendons which can cause back pain if they develop problems.

Don’t panic if you experience back pains regularly. This article will help you treat them.

Apply hot and cold packs

Hot water is very effective in relieving back pains as it promotes blood circulation. This helps ease the pain on your back. Ice packs or frozen vegetables reduce inflammation on your back and consequently relieves back pain. Alternating hot and cold packs will also relieve the back pain.

Stay active

As much as rest relieves back pains, it is thought that remaining active is likely to cause a faster recovery. Participating in different activities strengthens your back muscles and distracts you from your pain. These activities may activate the cells in your back muscles. This will promote aerobic respiration as lactic acid, which causes fatigue, will be eliminated. This will release tension on your back muscles and relieve pain.


Stretching your back muscles reduces muscle stiffness and enhances blood circulation to your back muscles. Regular exercise keeps your back strong and healthy. Other activities such as swimming, walking and yoga help your muscles relax and relieve pain.


Anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are commonly used to relieve back pain. They are readily available in pharmacies and do not require a prescription. However, they are not suitable for everyone as some may cause terrible side effects. You should, therefore, consult the pharmacist before purchasing any medication. Muscle relaxants may also be recommended if you experience painful muscle spasms.

Manual therapy

Therapists carefully use their hands to massage and apply force on your muscles and joints around your spine. This is carried out by professional chiropractors or physiotherapists. It’s important to accompany manual therapy with exercises to relieve back pains.

Psychological therapy

Your healthcare provider may recommend psychological therapy apart from treatments such as exercise and manual therapy. Cognitive behavioural therapy is one such treatment that helps change how you think about your condition. Thinking too much about the pain can actually intensify it. Therefore, this psychological therapy helps to relieve stress and reduce your back pain.

Surgery and procedures

Surgery is only recommended if there’s an underlying medical condition causing your pain. This may include sciatica, a condition in which pain radiates from your lower back and runs down your legs. This surgery will repair your sciatic nerve and subsequently eliminate your back pain. Procedures such as inserting needles into your nerves are also conducted. Radio waves are then sent through the needles to prevent transmission of pain signals. This successfully treats your back pain.

Feel free to use the tips mentioned above to treat back pains and also prevent them. Seek medical advice if your back pain persists as this may signify other medical conditions. Your health is your first priority!