3 Common Running Injuries And How To Treat Them

Running is fun and healthy. However, it has its own dark tale and this may be the reason why many shy away from the sport. Running injuries are inevitable and almost 70% of runners will get injuries at some point in their running lives according to American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Runners also have to deal with painful blisters, back pains, muscle soreness and mental blackouts. The good news is that running injuries are curable and with the appropriate prevention program they can be avoided.

The following are the running injuries and their treatment:

Stress fractures

This is a condition in which tiny cracks develop on your bones after taxing the leg bones beyond what they can bear. These cracks are caused by mechanical stress resulted from the impact of the nature of running. These cracks develop on the metatarsals, shin bones and heels. You might experience a crescendo of pain while running which subsides when you rest. You may also feel a swelling and tenderness in your bones to indicate stress fractures.


Stress fractures are best treated by resting. There is no way around it! Rest will give your bones adequate time to recover and alleviate pain. Depending on how severe your injury is, it may take up to 8 weeks to fully recover. During recovery, wear proper footwear to relax your feet muscles. If you manage to walk pain-free then you can try a bit of jogging and later go back to your running routine.

Ankle Sprains

An ankle sprain is another running injury that occurs when there is a turning and twisting movement of the foot that stretches the ligaments around the ankle beyond their normal range. In the process, the ligaments are torn leading to severe pain and swelling. This is a common injury — and runners are not exempted. Approximately 25,000 people sprain their ankles daily according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.


If you get an ankle sprain, your doctor will highly recommend the RICE method. RICE represents:

  • Rest: The injured area is not used frequently thus it gives the body time to recover.
  • Ice: Applying ice packs in the affected area relieves pain.
  • Compression: This is about wrapping the wounded area with a bandage to provide support and limit swelling.
  • Elevation: Raising the injured area reduces swelling.

Runner’s knee

This condition is a running injury that occurs when the patella fails to move smoothly on the kneecap during a run or afterward. This causes irritation of the kneecap cartilage leading to an intense pain around the kneecap. The pain elevates when climbing stairs or during exercises. Weak hip rotator muscles and excess uphill running may cause runner’s knee.


For starters, take a break from your normal running routine and other physical activities to reduce stress on your knees. Avoid running on successive days and alternate your running schedule. Next, apply ice packs on your knees three times a day after running to relieve the pain.

Running injuries can plague anyone from newbies to professional runners. Successful treatment involves taking adequate rest after running to give your body time to recover. Massaging your muscles and adjusting your running schedule will also prevent running injuries. Take the appropriate prevention program for such injuries.